Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Here is a photo of Woodleigh.

And another photo. Pretty little park, lah?

Well - surprise! - until a few years ago it was Bidadari Cemetery! The poor folks found that their "final resting place" wasn't so final when this sign appeared one day!

This is what the cemetery used to look like. As you can see, those dead folks were taking up too much space and that cannot be endured in a small country with a large population like this one.

One of my favorite parts of this story is that they've built a subway stop in the corner of the old cemetery. This subway stop has mysteriously never been opened. So when you are on the subway, you just ride right through the empty and darkened station. Yet riders have reported seeing people standing on the train platform! It's like the movie Poltergeist!

Amazing old grave markers ... I wonder where they all went?


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