Monday, December 17, 2007


After 40 years, my mind has pretty much set like cement. I know what $50 is, what 50 miles means and how to speak to people. Suddenly, $50 means somethings new; miles have turned into kilometers and I don't know what people are saying.

This must be why the USA has never switched to metric: it takes time and brain-power to readjust your mindset. I'm sure I'll get used to things eventually.

It is great to be in the land of the food stall. I don't know why anyone would go to a restaurant in Singapore when you can eat such good food so cheaply. Okay, it is hot, smelly and I usually have to share a table with a few strangers, but its a worthwhile trade-off. Food is to Singapore what freedom is (was?) to America: the foundation upon which the nation stands.

I got my hair cut on Saturday and I am seeing more of my scalp than I am accustomed to seeing. I'm not sure the barber understood what I tried to explain to him, so I just closed my eyes and went along for the ride. I was a little nervous when the neighboring barber starting hitting the back of the person next to me. But when my barber shockingly did the same to me some time later, it felt pretty good!

I learned that Singapore has a gay/lesbian church! So I went on Sunday morning. Free Community Church is the name. Free? Okay, we were free to sit for 2 hours without standing. The congregation felt free to ignore us. The worship leaders felt free not to introduce themselves. I have a theory that the Singapore government allows this church to exist as a way of boring gays and lesbians into heterosexuality.

Sorry that I haven't been able to post pictures yet. Hopefully soon!


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