Monday, January 30, 2006

Le Weekend

Rohaizad and I spent the weekend at The Village ( the past couple of days. We were celebrating the fact that January 31 marks the 11th anniversary of our being together.

It was so peaceful and beautiful. The huts have gorgeous views, waterbeds and mosquito nets. We ate our meals on their little deck overlooking the coast all the way down to Sokehs Rock. Excellent. It does seem a little strange that we need an occasional get-away from life on a tropical island. Hmm.

It was a brief get-away, because there is so much going on right now. Friday night I hosted Mozart's 250th birthday party at the College. It was just the movie "Amadeus" with drinks and popcorn, but quite a few people came!

Next Friday I am beginning the lunchtime concert series of piano duets and trios. So Sunday afternoon was spent practicing with the other pianists. Wow, is my technique ever rusty! I'm supposed to be playing the Secundo part on the overture to "The Marriage of Figaro." Practice, practice!

While we were practicing in the afternoon, the tide got so high that the water crossed our driveway and my car was sitting in water. Yikes!

On Sunday evening we met with the creative team for our show "Welcome to Micronesia." It is so much fun to work with such creative folks. And I am so honored that nine people are willing to travel all the way from here to Baltimore to perform this show next July 7-8 at Theatre Project (


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