Tuesday, January 23, 2007

No Complaints

I am currently emerging from a wave of mishaps. Perhaps I was cursed or something, but check out this list of things that have gone wrong within the past week:

1. My refrigerator lost its cool, twice!
2. My checkbook went through the washing machine and disintegrated!
3. The brakes on my car sound like scraping metal (this actually began more than a week ago, but I’m still waiting for the part to arrive).
4. My cell phone ran away from home and won’t come back!
5. The thatch on my nahs is being blown apart by the tradewinds!
6. My lap top computer refuses to turn on even after I bought a new battery!
7. My bicycle has lost gears 1-7 and 15-21!

This morning I was riding my bicycle (using gears 8-14) to the causeway to go running. It was still dark outside, so I was riding down the narrow road with the jungle rising up pitch black around and above me.

I reached the causeway and saw it stretching dark gray in front of me with the ocean silvery in the moon light on either side. With experiences like that, how can I complain about machines not working?


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