Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Our Ship Has Come In

Yesterday was such a hectic day at work; trying to catch classes up on the material we missed due to the power outage last week. Since I only teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays, those days are always hectic, but yesterday was even more so.

So after work, I was very happy that Jen and Rohaizad agreed to meet at my office. We put on our walking shoes and headed down the road in front of the music classroom. This road heads out into the jungle getting narrower and narrower. Eventually the concrete ends and it becomes a dirt path.

We hiked a kilometer or two down the path to a waterfall. I don't know the name of this waterfall and you can't see it very well since the path goes to the top of the falls and it seems to be too steep to get down the twenty meters or so to the bottom.

Its pretty cool to live in a place that has such a glut of waterfalls that they don't have to bother to make them all visible or easily accessible.

After that we went to Lance and Amy's house where, along with Jonathan and Janhabi, we all celebrated the arrival of the supply ship. Amy made Tortilla Soup, using the cheese, tomatoes and tortilla chips which just arrived on the boat. She also got a bunch of avacados from a friend. A perfect evening.

The bad news is that this supply ship didn't bring any breakfast cereal.

But the good news is that we've got a four day weekend starting Thursday (Founding Day) and Friday (Pohnpei Cultural Day).


Blogger lotsachi said...

you're lucky there weren't any pirates (of pacific) robbing the ship!

*happily enjoying a bowl of tomyum noodles and green tea--supper*


btw, i'm lotsachi (rohaizad's student from msia, now in b'more)

3:20 AM  

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