Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Farewell to Brunswick

Yesterday evening at dusk while we were eating dinner in the nahs, we heard a bang on the road and the scream of a dog.

We saw Brunswick slide under the guardrail and down to the bank of the pond.

Because of the underbrush, we couldn’t get to him, but we could see him wagging his tail.

This morning he was floating in the pond.

Born in May, 2006 Brunswick was named for his resemblance to a bowling ball. He quickly grew to be a very large dog.

Despite his size, he was remarkably dim-witted. His eyes were too close to each other, so he even looked like a simpleton.

When in the clutches of enthusiasm, he would bend his body into a U shape and flail his tail about, hitting himself in the face.

Also, when he was excited (pretty much all the time) he would emit a groan sounding similar to a heavy man settling into a leather easy chair.

RIP Brunswick.


Blogger Heidi said...

That's SO sad! :-(

1:07 AM  

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