Sunday, June 25, 2006

Back in the USA

Hello, loyal readers! I am back in the USA! Being away for two years really changes one's perspective on things. I almost had a breakdown in the cereal aisle at the local grocery store. I've grown accustomed to limited choices and now there's just TOO MUCH of everything!

My house looks great! A new kitchen has been put in. The hardwood floors look amazing. And a bird built a nest on the sill of my bedroom window. It was a quiet dove and it had two babies. Wow, baby birds are really ugly. They both died after a week.

Today's my birthday. Thirty-nine. I had a barbeque in my back yard to celebrate the occasion. The rain interrupted a vicious game of bocci ball, but the party moved indoors and was great. Twelve folks gathered to share the moment with me.

We are hard at work getting ready for the US debut of the musical "Welcome to Micronesia!" I have been plastering Baltimore with posters and postcards. The CDs have been duplicated. Rohaizad arrived on Saturday night and is currently meeting with the tech guy and the stage manager. I think I have my lines memorized.

In one month I'll be back in Micronesia, and then I'll add more photos and stuff to the blog.